Good scientific research always aims to deliver benefits to society, but have you ever wondered what being a qualitative research participant can do for you?
Although the benefits of research are often viewed as indirect for the participant, the sense of empowerment that can come with involvement may offer a sense of contribution and practical advocacy for important issues that deliver outcomes to help others. In qualitative research, participants are empowered to share their opinions and experiences in a safe environment using their voice, which is critical to research seeking to understand individual motivators and explanations.
Qualitative interviewing prioritises the voice of the participant and provides a forum for sharing knowledge and exploring what we think we know, why it's relevant, and how it informs attitudes and behaviours. Often the very process of sharing knowledge, exploring where that knowledge comes from and how it impacts the research area can cause participants to seek out information after the study that may be prompted by discussion. Researchers will often share findings with participants after the study giving you access to valuable insights that can be leveraged in everyday life and the workplace.
Participants often report that the very discussion of research topics can lead to them questioning their own beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge. Being prompted to talk about why we hold such opinions can be a thought-provoking way of understanding our sense of self and potentially increase self-awareness. Giving yourself the time and space to be immersed in a topic is a wonderful opportunity to learn from the process, potentially leading to further positive action to help ourselves or others.
Interested in participating in a qualitative research study? Check out your local university's website to discover topics of interest and connect with a researcher💡